domingo, 5 de julho de 2020

Time Bandits

In 1981 Terry Gillian directs and produces a film called "Time Bandits ". The film talks about this young boy who joins a group of dwarfs on a trip through Time meeting several famous historical characters from King Agamenon to Napoleon .
Ever since my teenage years being a fan of History , i have always been fascinated by the concept of Time Travelling . Who among us has never seen the fun and naive Hollywood trilogy " Back to Future " with Michael J Fox and marveled at all those strolls back and forth in Time ??
The idea of travelling through Time and seeing in loco all the characters you have read in the History books and see how those people really lived and died would be one of the best experiences a person could ever had . Only comparable to leaving this tiny little planet and explore other worlds in distant star systems . I often envy astronauts who can turn their heads on one side and behold the spectacle of our beautiful blue planet , the theatre of all our misfortunes and petty glories and on the other side can gaze at the vast , infinite cosmic ocean . How Godlike they must feel !? And what else could feed our already active imagination than that superb heavenly view ??

In 1895 the British novelist and futurist HG Wells , popularize the idea of a machine that would take us to travel through Time in his book called precisely " Time Machine ".
In the book a man obsessed with the idea of travelling through Time and knowing the future of mankind , invents a machine and jumps in to the distant future where he faces an apocalyptical mankind divided into two races in which one of them canibalizes another .
I am not so pessimistic as Wells about the future of mankind but being as nostalgic as i am , the future doesn`t hold much appeal to me and i would rather visit the past .
imagining yourself in the time of Ramses I and see thousands of people erecting a gigantic wonderful useless thing like a pyramid for the glory of one man elevated by the superstition of man to category of God ? Imagining following the armies of Sargon the Akkadian as he conquered the city states of the Sumerians or be part of the Mongol Hordes of Genghis Khan as they spread fire and blood through the Asian steppes ; Watching Mozart composing his Requiem by the dim light of candles ; Paganini playing his Caprices ; Jesus giving one of his sermons ; Caesar being murdered ; Guttenberg printing his first bible ; Cortez arriving to Tenochtitlan with his rag army .
think of the immense richness of knowledge that a creature possessing such a machine would acquire?

Although Einstein`s General Relativity finds little support for of Time Travel to become a reality , recent discoveries on the field of quantum mechanics opens a gap for that possibility in a more or less distant future with the concept of Wormhole , who can be seen as a tunnel connects two points far from each other in the spacetime structure .
However be as it may , its unlikely that in the near future anyone will be able to travel in the 4th dimension of reality . And even if that was possible we have to take in consideration that there are some paradoxes embedded in Time Travel that might prove dangerous to the traveler .
In the 1st film of the trilogy " Back to Future " the hero , Marty McFly , met his mother when she was young and she fell in love for him which consequently prevent her to meet his father and therefore preventing him from ever being born at all .
The lesson is that changing Time events , no matter how trivial can have disastrous consequences in our present .
So maybe nature is wise in trapping us in the present because imagine what bandits we could do with this overwhelming power !??