domingo, 17 de maio de 2020

Literature for Free Thinkers

one wonders if mankind moves forward or backwards.
we live in an age filled with paradoxes and one of those paradoxes is that we live in an age that glorifies Democracy and free speech and at the same time it enslaves us in the iron chains of political correctness. suddenly you cant say a million of things because it might upset the feelings of different groups of people . 
Although from one side this means a civilizational leap in terms of conscience for the dignity of the individual or a group of individuals,  from the other it limits our capacity of criticism and of self expression turning us all into herds of well behaved sheep grazing in the fields of conformity and often hypocrisy .

History offers us countless examples of individuals that had the courage to breach the mediocre wall of conformity and speak their minds but i leave here two of the most brilliant of those courageous individuals . Two brilliant minds who had no fear in exposing human nature , looking at humans without the mask , as the portuguese poet Teixeira Pascoaes brilliant pointed out .çois_de_La_Rochefoucauld_(writer)