God, Deus , Dio , Gott, Theos; Allah , Bog .
Many different ways of saying ; many different ways of sound it ; Same reality though .
Why is the necessity of Believing in a supreme Being so fundamental in the lives of most of the 7 billion human beings that tread on this planet ?
The History of Mankind is also the History of numerous deities that were created and later replaced and substitute by more sophisticated forms of materializing this very powerful idea and so intrinsically human which is the idea of an Entity to whom we owe our existence and most forever pay tribute and seek for help whenever we need it .
The Israelite Sociologist Yuval Noah Harari in 2014 publishes a book called " Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind " in which he speaks of several Ideas that are absolutely crucial for a society, they are the building blocks upon not only societies as particular cultural unities are built but the entire human civilization . Ideas who are completely abstract , with no correspondence in the real world , but we humans made them real by putting our trust , our faith in them .
Money and God are two of those abstract and yet powerful ideas .
In his book Harari asks her to make a mental experiment : ask a monkey to trade a banana with you for money . the monkey sees the money as a piece of paper , not as banana . we would not obviously trade with you his delicious banana for a dirty piece of paper even if with what dirty piece of paper he would buy five bananas .
Now ask the same monkey to give you his banana because by doing that he would do a good deed and live in a paradise filled with bananas for all eternity after his dead .
Obviously the monkey would never agree with such a deal . Yet this is the deal that human beings have been accepting for thousand of years . Why ? are we more stupid than our simian cousins ?
Why do we invest so much in these abstractions and built entire civilizations upon it ?
The response of Harari is that unlike the monkey we can plan things ahead of the present moment and see future benefits far ahead in the future .
But what are the benefits we extract from the belief in God ? Why do we need it ? And why do we gather ourselves around gigantic dogmatic systems that we call Religions ?
In a very small book called " The Future of an Illusion " , Sigmund Freud tells us that religion or the belief in a God ( that in this case is that same cos with the exception of Buddhism one cannot live without the other ) serves two purposes :
1- It permits us to humanize Nature and therefore taken some of its power that frighten us because we cannot control it . With the creation of a God , Chaos ends and the Cosmos begins . Everything is explained by God´s Will even things that have no explanation whatsoever .
2- Religion becomes an instrument of control of the masses by the privileged elite of that culture .
It prevents the masses of rebelling against that elite and accept their miserable condition as part of a divine plan that will reward the obedience of the individual to that plan in an after life.
Being this all true , it doesn`t however explain the power that the religion feeling has in the human psychosis . The British biologist Richard Dawkins , a well known atheist , claims that religion exists because mankind is still in its infancy in most parts of the planet and therefore religion feeds itself of the fear of the little child lost in a world that is hostile .
Freud has the same idea when he says that God is the father that we lose when we become adults .
My view is close to Dawkins and Freud . We humans have a need to explain what cannot be explained because we have a need to control . Uncertainty disturbs us and life is too uncertain , too unpredictable , and for the human psyche the unknow is something generally negative , sinister , dark.
So lets make light by making comprehensible what is not ; know what is unknown . Death is a mystery , lets clear that mystery by saying that its not the end but the beginning of something else . Something nice of course , something will fit our wishes .
As much as i would love to believe in God , even because its a creative and rather elegant hypothesis , it crashes with my reason a God in the terms presented by the various religions .
God is a fictional character that became reality because we need it to be real and unlike Dawkings who this it will become obsolete as mankind progresses technologically i think otherwise , and thing with a taint of sadness that we will never overcome this fable because we will not stop fearing and God`s best friend is fear .
However it would be an exercise of mental hygiene to read Feurbach ´s " The Essence of Christianity " which is for me the most brilliant critical analysis of the process of Belief .
In this book Feurbach shows us how we feed this fictional character with qualities that we have and by doing that we impoverish ourselves . The notions of Justice , Kindness, Omnipotence , Compassion are all within us , and yet we transfer them a being external to us .
How much suffering in the world would be spared in every individual realized that God is simply an extension of each and everyone of us ?