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The popular adagio says that Home is the place where the heart is . Not the place born but the place where one´s soul inclines you to go .
Being born in the southern part of the European continent with its generous showers spells of solar radiation, more or else look alike tropical beaches and people desperately seeking for physical displays of where one is
affections , I always felt pretty much like an alien in what was supposed to be my land .
The sun, an omen of happy and joyful moments for most people , to me it was always synonymous of an excruciating heat that my poor icy , snowy nostalgic soul could never bear .
The heat always put me in a state of lassitude and often suffocation that made me comprehend the ritual of the siesta prevailing in some southern European cultures .
More than an inner anthropological trait , its actually a mechanism of self defense against the inclemency of our beloved star .
The Beaches , those strips of silicon that mercifully put an end to long voyage of the sea waves, in the summer are populated by hordes of human beings that in a desperate attempt of fighting the heat only make it more pungently stronger , were always for me places of pure human folly .
Tell me Odin , the one eyed, in your infinite wisdom , why people seek beaches to freshen up in the most where the Heat is most strong ?
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The North , my beloved North is where my soul is !
Why I asked myself many times was the cold lands of the North so appealing to me when the people who lived there seek the warmest and most pleasant lands of the south !?
Well probably the reason for this is that as a human , I suffered from the illness of Dissatisfaction . One of the tragedies of Human Condition is that one is never entirely satisfied with what one has and always seek something that one doesn’t have thinking that perhaps this eternal pot of Gold that we call Happiness is lying somewhere in pastures that look greener than the ones we have . Some say that this is also our greatness because it compels us to excel and look and explore for more , expand our horizons .
Nevertheless , whatever it is that compels me , a southern , to those icy cold, snowy , misty lands it was they that I always trod in my inner world, those lands that the ancient Arabic travelers erroneously referred as “ the land of Darkness “.
Having they actually visited those northern realms , they should more accurately call it “ The Land of Extremes “ because to the extreme darkness of winter comes the extreme light of the summer .
Oh how I eager for those misty sea of conifers of the purest emerald color ; Those serene lakes embraced by timeless mountains crowned with snowy peaks ; the icy winter landscapes with its frozen rivers and the pristine , unspoiled , untouched beauty of that North mysterious kingdom .
Where else can one behold one of nature´s most wondrous spectacles, The Northern Lights ?
In Norse mythology a legend suggests that the lights were reflections of the shields and armours of the Valkyrie , female warriors who would choose who may die in battle and who would live to fight another day.
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Dying in battle was quite important in the old Norse culture and the Northern Lights were also believed to be Bifrost the Bridge , a glowing and pulsating arch that led those fallen in battle to the warriors final resting place , Valhalla .
With the more romantic spirit , the Estonians on the hand believed that the Aurora ( Northern Lights ) to be a heavenly magnificent horse drawn carriages taken guests to a celestial wedding.
And the snow . My Most beloved snow. Eternal inhabitant of those lands, forever will touch my soul with its overwhelming pristine Beauty.
I love the contrasts that the snow does in nature between white and dark shades.
How beautiful forests look like with these abstract patterns .
And much they fill my soul with a sense of glee and belonging !
The North , my beloved North will always be carried by me in my soul no matter where I go because its where my Viking adventurous soul is .
Skol to you my most beloved North .