"To be or Not Be !?
This is the immortal question posed by the Prince Hamlet in the 1st scene of the III Act of the famous Shakespearean drama .
One of the most common and transforming actions of a person is the act of choosing and sticking to that choice and the various consequences that that choice carries .
While most of the choices we have to make in our daily life are completely harmless and inconsequently , others that might define our lives for ever and presented to those choices we experience the loneliness of the decision we have to make .
No matter how much we avoid the tribunal of Life , we always reach this point in the forest of one´s existence to a place where you stand in front of a bifurcation of paths and you are confronted with the drama of a decision . should i go this way ? or that way ?
Either way will change our lives in completely different patterns .
Accepting the consequences of the choice you made and don´t look back and think of what it would if the path would be taken its a challenge .
The existencial doubts of the Danish prince invented by the bard of Strafford Upon Avon are to me very familiar .
Mistakes are unavoidable and somehow necessary . The no safety net in Life . You walk blindly in a pitch black knowing that somewhere there is an abyss where you will fall . But you have to walk , keep walking no matter how many times you trip on the pebbles scattered on the road .
The pain you receive bad choices though sometimes its not comparable with the pain that you inflict to others that are somehow dependable of those choices .
Again Hamlet hit the nerve " conscience doth makes cowards of us all ".
Wouldn´t be lovely if we were all careless and light free children like Pinocchio without is Talking Cricket ? But maybe the Talking Cricket no matter how annoying he is has a reason to exist because otherwise our soul would be like the grotesque Portrait of Dorian Grey.